MyQ Smart Control is LiftMasters answer to our busy lives. Never again wonder if you left the garage door up, or how you are going to let the service man in, you control everything right in the palm of your hand with the MyQ app.
- LiftMaster has an App for that and you can control everything right from your smart phone. If you have an older garage door, National Door can evaluate and see if one of our MyQ retrofit kits will work.
MyQ Performance
- Remote access. Open and close the door for family or servicemen.
- Get real time alerts on door status.
- Never leave the door up by accident again with door alerts and automated scheduling.
- Total piece of mind.
LiftMaster has stepped up security with today’s smart phones. With the MyQ App and corresponding LiftMaster hardware you will have options like real-time alerts and remote access. You will never have to wonder if you accidentally left the garage door up, and if you did, close it on demand.
Smart Partnerships
LiftMasters MyQ Smart Home has teamed up with some of the industry leading brands for an even better customized control. Via partner apps, you can further enhance your MyQ Smart Home with such features as voice control, location based control and partner apps. National Door will be happy to assist you with MyQ Smart Home Enhancements.